<aside> 💡 This is a TESTNET which runs on a separate network and may be restarted at any time. The following information is required to configure your MetaMask.


<aside> 💡 Miners make sure to add --override.terminaltotaldifficulty="5000000000000000000" --nat="extip:" --override.terminaltotaldifficultypassed="false”


Learn more about ōCash here: https://www.overline.network/ocash

Table Of Contents

Optional: Request Testnet ōCash

Fill in the form below or request using this link: https://overliner.typeform.com/to/yf8IgAFf


Install GETH On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ethereum

Install GETH On Mac OSX (HomeBrew)

If you do not already have HomeBrew you must have it installed on your Mac.

brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum

Install GETH On Windows

The recommended way to install GETH is to download the binary from the binaries. However you can install from source here: https://geth.ethereum.org/docs/install-and-build/installing-geth#windows-1

Setup & Run GETH Miner

# Make the folder for the data. 
mkdir ocashtestnet

# Download the testnet genesis block.
wget <https://oland.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/ocashtestnetgenesis.json>

# Initialize the data folder
geth --datadir ocashtestnet init ocashtestnetgenesis.json

# Start GETH In The Background 
geth --nousb --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs --http --http.addr="" --http.port="80" --http.corsdomain="*" --http.api="eth,net,web3" --allow-insecure-unlock --ws --ws.addr="" --ws.origins="*" --ws.api="eth,net,web3,personal,admin,txpool,miner,debug" --datadir ./ocashtestnet --networkid="660868" --http.vhosts="*" --txlookuplimit="0" --miner.threads="1" --snapshot="false" --syncmode="full" --gcmode="archive" --txpool.lifetime="3h5m0s" --miner.gasprice="1000000000" --miner.gastarget="500000000000" --override.terminaltotaldifficulty="500000000000000000" --override.terminaltotaldifficultypassed="false” ****--bootnodes="enode://2f6344757e50dddcca587c7463254881bbab6307722e712000745a4d4ef57cefba7d58d27cf67106babb5817c5fdd747e9d320bc4bcbfe520aa159d1e35a82f4@" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

# More bootnodes included below

# Copy your wallet addres from above
# Example: "0x17B28111c9C6443d8Fb217679B0EA47Ede17c4CC" 

# Change into the data directory. 
cd ocashtestnet

# Attach to the GETH Console
geth attach geth.ipc

# Type the following commands
miner.setEtherBase("YOUR WALLET ADDRESS")